What I Have Learned From Writing for Thinkers Incorporated

Since my first Thinkers Incorporated article last January, I have learned a lot. I've written roughly thirty posts ranging in length from about 500 words to over 2000 words, I've grown in my ability to lead and influence others, I've edited and re-edited my writings, I've learned numerous marketing strategies, and I've developed the ability to work with others as a part of the team. Writing for Thinkers Incorporated has taught me a lot.

As I have written for Thinkers Incorporated, my writing skills have matured. Between finding topics, developing stances on those topics, and then actually writing the posts, I am constantly growing as a writer. I've taken several advanced composition classes, but the extensive practice that I have received by writing for Thinkers Incorporated has grown me beyond what any class could do.

However, it's not just my usage of the written word that has been enhanced by my experience. My knowledge of leadership, as well as my ability to influence people, has expanded. In the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey posits that effective people constantly expand their circle of influence, and writing for Thinkers Incorporated has done just that for me. I am now able to regularly reach a larger audience than I was ever capable of in the past, and that is truly exciting.

As the Editor of Philosophy and Lifestyle, I have had to do a lot of editing as well. Whether I am fixing typos or correcting grammatical mistakes, every bit of editing that I have done has given me greater editing experience. Now, whenever I am browsing the Internet or reading a magazine, I literally cringe every time I see a mistake.

Working with Thinkers Incorporated has also taught me a lot about marketing. Each of the authors is personally responsible for promoting his posts, and so we have all, I think, learned a lot about bringing viewers in. Nowadays I constantly find myself reading The Harvard Business Review or gravitating towards the marketing section at the library in hopes of expanding my knowledge on the subject. In my opinion, marketing is just as much a part of psychology as it is business, and the human mind fascinates me, so I am naturally inclined to be interested in marketing.

Teamwork is another area in which I have seen myself improving. All of us Thinkers Incorporated guys recently convened in College Station to plan out the next six months, and we had an extremely productive session because everyone possessed the maturity to work as a team. Indeed, those eight or nine hours spent in Aggie Land were some of the most productive that I have had in the last few years.

I am truly grateful for Thinkers Incorporated because I have learned so much and developed so many skills through my time there. I can honestly say that I am a more effective person because of the experience that I have gained by writing there, and I am very appreciative for the blessing that is Thinkers Incorporated. Viva la Thinkers Incorporated.